Happy Father’s Day 2023 Wishes Images Quotes Whatsapp Instagram Facebook Status : Children often shower a lot of love on their mothers but hesitate to talk to their fathers. They openly show their care in front of mom, but saying ‘I love you dad’ is a difficult task for many children. Children cannot express their feelings in front of father, but can do so in front of mother. The seriousness of the father, his strictness, encouragement to do good and rebuke for doing wrong etc. can be the reason for this. Every child should understand that father is concerned about them. Behind their strictness is the intention to give you a safe and comfortable future. In such situations, tell your father what you are thinking on Father’s Day. To make dad feel special, give dad name status on whatsapp, facebook, instagram. Express your love to your dad with love messages. Here on Father’s Day, we give you loving messages, which you can put in your status.