New Delhi: Apple’s upcoming iPhone 15 series is expected to enter mass production in August, with around 84 million units to be produced in the second half of 2023, media reports said. According to Apple analyst Jeff Pu, that’s about 12 percent more than last year’s iPhone 14 production, indicating that Apple is anticipating strong demand, reports 9to5Mac.
However, Pu cautioned that the iPhone 15 Pro Max will likely cost more than the iPhone 14 Pro Max’s starting price of $1,099. In the past, the Pro and Pro Max have been identical except for screen size (and battery size), but that’s set to change this year. (Also Read: You Can Earn Up To Rs 75,000 Per Month With This Business Franchise)
As per current expectations, the new Periscope zoom lens will be exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, giving it the best camera system. With the periscope lens, the optical zoom will be greater than any previous iPhone, increasing to around 6x instead of the current 3x.
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The camera sensors on the Pro and Pro Max will also be upgraded to use the new 3-stacked sensor, potentially improving image quality across the Pro line, the report said. Further, Pu’s report mentions that the iPhone 16 will use a new “Metalens” technology for the proximity sensor.
In future generations, Apple’s “Metalens” technology could significantly reduce the size of its Face ID sensor hardware.
Meanwhile, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is said to feature a new custom button. Leaked images of a protective case for the iPhone 15 Pro Max have surfaced online, providing an insight into the changes to the appearance of the company’s upcoming flagship device.