WhatsApp new feature: Now WhatsApp will tell which stickers to send, new sticker suggestion feature is coming

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WhatsApp Stickers: Features WhatsApp is bringing a new sticker suggestion feature. This feature will be rolled out for iPhone users currently. Later it will be rolled out for Android smartphone users. Talking about the benefits of sticker suggestion feature, this feature will tell you which sticker to send in reply to which message. With this, your chatting experience is going to be more fun than ever.

New features of WhatsApp

New features of WhatsApp

One of the world’s largest instant messaging platforms, WhatsApp keeps bringing new features to improve the user experience. In this continuation, WhatsApp has introduced a new feature related to stickers. According to reports, this sticker suggestion feature will be released for iPhone users. If you want to send stickers to someone, Mater app will help you with that. Sending stickers will become more fun with the launch of this feature on WhatsApp Messenger.

How does the WhatsApp sticker suggestion feature work?

How does the WhatsApp sticker suggestion feature work?

The WhatsApp sticker suggestion feature will work when the user selects an emoji for the message, at which point the sticker option associated with the emoji will be available. Many stickers will be suggested to WhatsApp users. Users can select any sticker among them. However, it will not require that the user should use the same emoji as recommended by WhatsApp. If the user likes the sticker then only he has to send it. This will only be a suggestion, which users can choose according to their preference.

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