How: Are old smartphones slow? Don’t stress, you will run faster than a rocket if you do this

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Smartphone Speed ​​Up Tricks: Nowadays, your smartphone is your best friend. As much time as you spend with your phone, you rarely spend with anyone else. What the smartphone does for you! But when it slows down, disaster strikes. Even filling up the storage sometimes slows down the phone. If you are also facing problems with phone storage, then we tell you an easy way to free up phone storage. All you need to do is find out the apps that are taking up too much space on your phone. We tell you the way-

How to Find and Remove Unnecessary Apps on iPhone

You can find out how much space an app takes up on your smartphone by going to the settings of your iPhone or Android smartphone. Go to your iPhone’s settings to find out which apps are using the most storage on your iPhone. After that tap on General section. Now click on the iPhone storage option. After that go to apps list. Here you will see apps that are taking up the most space in front of you. Now delete unused apps.

How to Find and Remove Unnecessary Apps on Android

To find the apps that use the most storage on Android smartphones, you need to go to the Google Play Store app. After that tap on profile icon. Now here you have to click on Manage Apps and Device. Here you’ll see apps, listed by size. Along with this, you can also check which apps are using the most space. If not very important, delete those apps. This will free up space on your phone. Note that deleting the app will delete all your data present in it.

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