Download Apps via Facebook: By reading the title of the news, you must have come to know that soon you will be able to download apps directly from Facebook. But we will tell you why Meta is doing this and how you will be able to download the apps. Actually, Meta wants to bypass Google’s Playstore and Apple’s Appstore and allow users to download apps directly from Facebook. The company is thinking of starting it in the European Union. Users will be able to download the app shown on the ad directly from here in one click.
The news from Meta comes as the EU’s Digital Market Act (DMA), which mandates big tech companies to allow alternative app stores on their platforms, is set to come into effect next year. Let me tell you, Android already allows its users to sideload apps. Although Google makes it difficult by linking its in-app billing and licensing with the Play Store. However, despite this, Meta can start this new project soon with Android users.
meta will not take any money
Meta has asked the developers to join the pilot program and also assured them that their apps will be downloaded more from this platform as users will be able to download the app directly from here. For this they will not have to go to Playstore. At present, the company will not take any charge for any app. That is, developers can do the billing of apps according to their own while Google does it on its own on Playstore.
Let me tell you, Meta is not the only company interested in distributing mobile apps after the EU’s Digital Market Act comes into effect. Microsoft also wants to give users the option of sideloading. It is believed that the company may launch an alternative app store for the game on iOS and Android in Europe next year.
Also read: Content will no longer be able to be accessed without a Twitter account, the company has stopped this service