Exploring the Final Frontier: Voyager 2 Gets a Boost to Continue Mission till 2026

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Voyager 2, the iconic spacecraft of NASA, has received aboost that will enable it to continue its groundbreaking mission till 2026
outside our solar system. The spacecraft has been on a mission to explore the
outer reaches of our solar system and beyond for over four decades. It has
provided invaluable insights into the structure and dynamics of our solarsystem, as well as the interstellar space beyond.

The Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched by NASA in August
1977, and it has been exploring the outer reaches of our solar system ever
since. It has passed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and it is
currently exploring the outermost region of our solar system, known as the
heliosphere. The heliosphere is the region of space that is influenced by the solar
wind and the magnetic field of the Sun.

To keep Voyager 2 operational, NASA has been conducting
regular maintenance and upgrades on the spacecraft. The latest boost comes in
the form of a new power source that will enable Voyager 2 to continue its mission
for another three years until 2026. This boost will allow the spacecraft to
continue its exploration of the interstellar space beyond our solar system.

One of the key instruments onboard Voyager 2 is the plasma
magnetometer, which measures the magnetic field and the plasma environment of
the interstellar space. The data collected by the plasma magnetometer is used
to study the properties of the interstellar plasma and the interactions between
the solar wind and the interstellar medium.

The Voyager 2 spacecraft is also equipped with a
communication system that allows it to transmit data back to Earth. The
communication system is part of NASA’s Deep Space Network, which is a network
of antennas located around the world that communicate with spacecraft beyond
Earth’s orbit.


2 continues to make groundbreaking discoveries in the outer reaches of our
solar system and beyond. The latest boost from NASA will enable the spacecraft
to continue its mission until 2026, providing us with more insights into the
interstellar space beyond our solar system. The plasma magnetometer and
communication system onboard Voyager 2 will continue to provide invaluable
data, helping us to better understand the structure and dynamics of our

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