ML News

Researchers developing AI to make the internet more accessible

In an effort to make the internet more accessible for people with disabilities, researchers have begun developing an artificial intelligence agent that could...

AI alters middle managers’ work

The introduction of artificial intelligence is a significant part of the digital transformation bringing challenges and changes to the job descriptions among management....

Meet ‘Coscientist,’ your AI lab partner

An artificial intelligence-driven system has autonomously learned about certain Nobel Prize-winning chemical reactions and designed a successful laboratory procedure to make them. The...

Artificial intelligence can predict events in people’s lives

Artificial intelligence can analyze registry data on people's residence, education, income, health and working conditions and, with high accuracy, predict life events.

AI networks are more vulnerable to malicious attacks than previously thought

Artificial intelligence tools hold promise for applications ranging from autonomous vehicles to the interpretation of medical images. However, a new study finds these...

Brainstorming with a bot

Electronic nanomaterials experts have imagined how recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could aid scientific brainstorming and ideation. To...

2D material reshapes 3D electronics for AI hardware

Researchers demonstrated monolithic 3D integration of layered 2D material into novel processing hardware for artificial intelligence computing. The new approach provides a material-level...

Scientists use A.I.-generated images to map visual functions in the brain

Researchers have demonstrated the use of AI-selected natural images and AI-generated synthetic images as neuroscientific tools for probing the visual processing areas of the...

Creativity in the age of generative AI: A new era of creative partnerships

Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) has propelled AI into the mainstream, raising concerns about job displacement and creative work. Experts now emphasize a need to...

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