Nano Technology News

Unveiling the generation principles of charged particles ‘trion’ in 2D semiconductor

Researchers pioneer dynamic manipulation and the generation principles of trion at the nanoscale using tip-enhanced cavity-spectroscopy.

Key dynamics of 2D nanomaterials: View to larger-scale production

A team of researchers mapped out how flecks of 2D materials move in liquid -- knowledge that could help scientists assemble macroscopic-scale materials...

Single proton illuminates perovskite nanocrystals-based transmissive thin scintillators

Researchers have developed a transmissive thin scintillator using perovskite nanocrystals, designed for real-time tracking and counting of single protons. The exceptional sensitivity is...

Edge-to-edge assembly technique for 2D nanosheets

A research team develops edge-to-edge assembly technique for 2D nanosheets.

Unveiling Oxidation-induced Super-elasticity in Metallic Glass Nanotubes

Oxidation can degrade the properties and functionality of metals. However, a research team recently found that severely oxidized metallic glass nanotubes can attain...

A sleeker facial recognition technology tested on Michelangelo’s David

Many people are familiar with facial recognition systems that unlock smartphones and game systems or allow access to our bank accounts online. But...

Machine learning guides carbon nanotechnology

Carbon nanostructures could become easier to design and synthesize thanks to a machine learning method that predicts how they grow on metal surfaces....

Small yet mighty: Showcasing precision nanocluster formation with molecular traps

Nanoclusters (NCs) of transition metals like cobalt or nickel have widespread applications in drug delivery and water purification, with smaller NCs exhibiting improved...

New breakthroughs for unlocking the potential of plasmonics

Plasmonics are unique light-matter interactions in the nanoscale regime. Now, a team of researchers has highlighted advances in shadow growth techniques for plasmonic...

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