Nano Technology News

New study uses machine learning to bridge the reality gap in quantum devices

A study has used the power of machine learning to overcome a key challenge affecting quantum devices. For the first time, the findings...

Catalytic combo converts CO2 to solid carbon nanofibers

Scientists have developed a way to convert carbon dioxide (CO2), a potent greenhouse gas, into carbon nanofibers, materials with a wide range of...

How black silicon, a prized material used in solar cells, gets its dark, rough edge

Researchers have developed a new theoretical model explaining one way to make black silicon. The new etching model precisely explains how fluorine gas...

The first domino falls for redox reactions

Transmitting an effect known as a domino reaction using redox chemistry has been achieved for the first time.

In a new light — new approach overcomes long-standing limitations in optics

When you look up at the sky and see clouds of wondrous shapes, or struggle to peer through dense, hazy fog, you're seeing...

Bottled water can contain hundreds of thousands of previously uncounted tiny plastic bits

In recent years, there has been rising concern that tiny particles known as microplastics are showing up basically everywhere on Earth, from polar...

Revolutionizing stable and efficient catalysts with Turing structures for hydrogen production

Hydrogen energy has emerged as a promising alternative to fossil fuels, offering a clean and sustainable energy source. However, the development of low-cost...

Springs aboard — gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos

The integration of mechanical memory in the form of springs has for hundreds of years proven to be a key enabling technology for...

Functional semiconductor made from graphene

Researchers have created the first functional semiconductor made from graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms held together by the strongest bonds known....

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