Nano Technology News

Tiny nanocarriers could prove the magic bullet for acne sufferers

It's a skin disorder that makes life miserable for around 800 million teenagers and adults worldwide, but cientists may have found an effective...

Research identifies new potential hurdle for nano-based therapies

Researchers have discovered that certain nano-based cancer therapies may be less effective in younger patients, highlighting the need for further investigation into the...

Precisely arranging nanoparticles

In the incredibly small world of molecules, the elementary building blocks -- the atoms -- join together in a very regular pattern. In...

Chameleon-inspired coating could cool and warm buildings through the seasons

As summer turns to fall, many people will be turning off the air conditioning and firing up heaters instead. But traditional heating and...

Efficient next-generation solar panels on horizon following breakthrough

A scientific breakthrough brings mass production of the next generation of cheaper and lighter perovskite solar cells one step closer.

Stabilizing precipitate growth at grain boundaries in alloys

Materials are often considered to be one phase, but many engineering materials contain two or more phases, improving their properties and performance. These...

Making contact: Researchers wire up individual graphene nanoribbons

Researchers have developed a method of 'wiring up' graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), a class of one-dimensional materials that are of interest in the scaling...

Scaling up the power of nanotechnology

Researchers created a proof of concept of a nanocapsule -- a microscopic container -- capable of delivering a specific 'payload' to a targeted...

Nanoparticles made from plant viruses could be farmers’ new ally in pest control

Engineers have devised a new solution to control a major agricultural menace, root-damaging nematodes. Using plant viruses, the researchers created nanoparticles that can...

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