Nano Technology News

Ecotoxicity testing of micro- and nano-plastics

An international team of researchers has published the first harmonized exposure protocol for ecotoxicity testing of microplastics and nanoplastics.

Surprising discovery shows electron beam radiation can repair nanostructures

In a surprising new study, researchers have found that the electron beam radiation that they previously thought degraded crystals can actually repair cracks...

Harnessing molecular power: Electricity generation on the nanoscale

Researchers tested a molecular energy harvesting device that captures the energy from the natural motion of molecules in a liquid. Their work showed...

Art with DNA — Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry

The DNA double helix is composed of two DNA molecules whose sequences are complementary to each other. The stability of the duplex can...

Nanoparticle vaccine could curb cancer metastasis to lungs by targeting a protein

Engineers have developed an experimental vaccine that could prevent the spread of metastatic cancers to the lungs. Its success lies in targeting a...

Superlensing without a super lens: Physicists boost microscopes beyond limits

Attempts to break the diffraction limit with 'super lenses' have all hit the hurdle of extreme visual losses. Now physicists have shown a...

Milestone: Miniature particle accelerator works

Particle accelerators are crucial tools in a wide variety of areas in industry, research and the medical sector. The space these machines require...

Going rogue: Scientists apply giant wave mechanics on a nanometric scale

Researchers have shown how the principles of rogue waves -- huge 30-meter waves that arise unexpectedly in the ocean -- can be applied...

Wearable device makes memories and powers up with the flex of a finger

Researchers have invented an experimental wearable device that generates power from a user's bending finger and can create and store memories, in a...

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