Nano Technology News

Magnetic with a pinch of hydrogen

Magnetic two-dimensional materials consisting of one or a few atomic layers have only recently become known and promise interesting applications, for example for...

Energy scientists unravel the mystery of gold’s glow

EPFL researchers have developed the first comprehensive model of the quantum-mechanical effects behind photoluminescence in thin gold films; a discovery that could drive...

Atom-by-atom: Imaging structural transformations in 2D materials

Silicon-based electronics are approaching their physical limitations and new materials are needed to keep up with current technological demands. Two-dimensional (2D) materials have...

Researchers discover dual topological phases in an intrinsic monolayer crystal

An international team working with single-atom thick crystals found TaIrTe4's transition between the two distinct topological states of insulation and conduction. The material...

Two-dimensional nanomaterial sets record for expert-defying, counter-intuitive expansion

Engineers have developed a record-setting nanomaterial which when stretched in one direction, expands perpendicular to the applied force.

Trash to treasure — researchers turn metal waste into catalyst for hydrogen

Scientists have found a way to transform metal waste into a highly efficient catalyst to make hydrogen from water, a discovery that could...

‘Nanostitches’ enable lighter and tougher composite materials

In an approach they call 'nanostitching,' engineers used carbon nanotubes to prevent cracking in multilayered composites. The advance could lead to next-generation airplanes...

Cooler transformers could help electric grid

Simulations on the Stampede2 supercomputer of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) are helping scientists engineer solutions to overheating of grid transformers --...

A single atom layer of gold: Researchers create goldene

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick. The material has been termed...

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