स्मार्टफोन के ये जुगाड़ बहुत काम के, मिनटों में साफ करेंगे स्पीकर में जमी गंदगी

Smartphone Tips : स्मार्टफोन हमारी जिंदगी का अहम हिस्सा बन गए हैं. हम हर वक्त फोन का इस्तेमाल करते ही रहते हैं. कॉलिंग...

The ‘breath’ between atoms — a new building block for quantum technology

Researchers have discovered they can detect atomic 'breathing,' or the mechanical vibration between two layers of atoms, by observing the type of light...

Could we tweak the solar system to make Pluto a planet again?

Pluto’s back, baby!...

Quantum computers are better at guessing, new study demonstrates

Researchers have demonstrated a quantum speedup over the most efficient classical computer algorithm possible for what is believed to be the first time....

The earliest black holes seen by JWST appear to be unusually massive

The universe’s earliest...

Researchers demonstrate secure information transfer using spatial correlations in quantum entangled beams of light

Researchers have demonstrated the principle of using spatial correlations in quantum entangled beams of light to encode information and enable its secure transmission.

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