Quantum Computers News

Researchers demonstrate secure information transfer using spatial correlations in quantum entangled beams of light

Researchers have demonstrated the principle of using spatial correlations in quantum entangled beams of light to encode information and enable its secure transmission.

New superconducting diode could improve performance of quantum computers and artificial intelligence

A team has developed a more energy-efficient, tunable superconducting diode -- a promising component for future electronic devices -- that could help scale...

Schrödinger’s cat makes better qubits

Drawing from Schrodinger's cat thought experiment, scientists have built a 'critical cat code' qubit that uses bosons to store and process information in...

New technique in error-prone quantum computing makes classical computers sweat

Today's quantum computers often calculate the wrong answer because of noisy environments that interfere with the quantum entanglement of qubits. IBM Quantum has...

Open-source software to speed up quantum research

Quantum technology is expected to fundamentally change many key areas of society. Researchers are convinced that there are many more useful quantum properties...

‘Toggle switch’ can help quantum computers cut through the noise

What good is a powerful computer if you can't read its output? Or readily reprogram it to do different jobs? People who design...

Researchers make a quantum computing leap with a magnetic twist

Scientists and engineers have announced a significant advancement in developing fault-tolerant qubits for quantum computing. In a pair of articles, they report that,...

Research breakthrough could be significant for quantum computing future

Scientists using one of the world's most powerful quantum microscopes have made a discovery that could have significant consequences for the future of...

Scientists edge toward scalable quantum simulations on a photonic chip

A system using photonics-based synthetic dimensions could be used to help explain complex natural phenomena.

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