Quantum Computers News

Do measurements produce the reality they show us?

The measurement values determined in sufficiently precise measurements of physical systems will vary based on the relation between the past and the future...

New quantum device generates single photons and encodes information

A new approach to quantum light emitters generates a stream of circularly polarized single photons, or particles of light, that may be useful...

Making the invisible, visible: New method makes mid-infrared light detectable at room temperature

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting mid-infrared (MIR) light at room temperature using quantum systems.

Quantum computer unveils atomic dynamics of light-sensitive molecules

Researchers have implemented a quantum-based method to observe a quantum effect in the way light-absorbing molecules interact with incoming photons. Known as a...

Hotter quantum systems can cool faster than initially colder equivalents

The Mpemba effect is originally referred to the non-monotonic initial temperature dependence of the freezing start time, but it has been observed in...

Paving the way for advanced quantum sensors

Quantum physics has allowed for the creation of sensors far surpassing the precision of classical devices. Now, several new studies show that the...

A simpler way to connect quantum computers

Researchers have developed a new approach to building quantum repeaters, devices that can link quantum computers over long distances. The new system transmits...

Better cybersecurity with new material

Digital information exchange can be safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly with the help of a new type of random number generator for...

Deriving the fundamental limit of heat current in quantum mechanical many-particle systems

Researchers have mathematically derived the fundamental limit of heat current flowing into a quantum system comprising numerous quantum mechanical particles in relation to...

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