Quantum Computers News

Quantum talk with magnetic disks

Quantum computers promise to tackle some of the most challenging problems facing humanity today. While much attention has been directed towards the computation...

Scientists deliver quantum algorithm to develop new materials and chemistry

Scientists published the Cascaded Variational Quantum Eigensolver (CVQE) algorithm in a recent article, expected to become a powerful tool to investigate the physical...

Novel quantum algorithm for high-quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems

Conventional quantum algorithms are not feasible for solving combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) with constraints in the operation time of quantum computers. To address...

The world is one step closer to secure quantum communication on a global scale

Researchers have brought together two Nobel prize-winning research concepts to advance the field of quantum communication. Scientists can now efficiently produce nearly perfect...

Verifying the work of quantum computers

Researchers have invented a new method by which classical computers can measure the error rates of quantum machines without having to fully simulate...

Satellites for quantum communications

Through steady advances in the development of quantum computers and their ever-improving performance, it will be possible in the future to crack our...

Staying in the loop: How superconductors are helping computers ‘remember’

To advance neuromorphic computing, some researchers are looking at analog improvements -- advancing not just software, but hardware too. Research shows a promising...

Powerful new tool ushers in new era of quantum materials research

Research in quantum materials is paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and is poised to drive technological advancements that will redefine the landscapes...

Design rules and synthesis of quantum memory candidates

In the quest to develop quantum computers and networks, there are many components that are fundamentally different than those used today. Like a...

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