Nano Technology News

The trio — nickel, palladium, and platinum — for enhanced hydrogen evolution

A research team enhanced hydrogen evolution catalyst through stepwise deposition.

Listening to nanoscale earthquakes

A recent study presents an exciting new way to listen to 'the crackling' noise of atoms shifting at nanoscale when materials are deformed,...

DNA chips as storage media of the future: What challenges need to be overcome

In the form of DNA, nature shows how data can be stored in a space-saving and long-term manner. Bioinformatics specialists are developing DNA...

Scientists invent micrometers-thin battery charged by saline solution that could power smart contact lenses

Scientists have developed a flexible battery as thin as a human cornea, which stores electricity when it is immersed in saline solution, and...

Researchers develop ultra-sensitive photoacoustic microscopy for wide biomedical application potential

Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy is an up-and-coming biomedical imaging technique for studying a broad range of diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and stroke. But...

Peering into nanofluidic mysteries one photon at a time

Researchers have revealed an innovative approach to track individual molecule dynamics within nanofluidic structures, illuminating their response to molecules in ways never before...

Atomic-scale spin-optical laser: New horizon of optoelectronic devices

Researchers have pushed the limits of the possible in the field of atomic-scale spin-optics, creating a spin-optical laser from monolayer-integrated spin-valley microcavities without...

Ultrathin nanotech promises to help tackle antibiotic resistance

Researchers have invented a nano-thin superbug-slaying material that could one day be integrated into wound dressings and implants to prevent or heal bacterial...

Pixel-by-pixel analysis yields insights into lithium-ion batteries

By mining X-ray images, researchers have made significant new discoveries about the reactivity of lithium iron phosphate, a material used in batteries for...

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