Quantum Computers News

Non-toxic quantum dots pave the way towards CMOS shortwave infrared image sensors for consumer electronics

Researchers have fabricated a new high-performance shortwave infrared (SWIR) image sensor based on non-toxic colloidal quantum dots. They report on a new method...

Computational model captures the elusive transition states of chemical reactions

Researchers developed a way to quickly calculate the transition state structure of a chemical reaction, using machine-learning models.

World’s first logical quantum processor

A team has realized a key milestone in the quest for stable, scalable quantum computing. For the first time, the team has created a...

Diamonds and rust help unveil ‘impossible’ quasi-particles

Researchers have discovered magnetic monopoles -- isolated magnetic charges -- in a material closely related to rust, a result that could be used...

Researchers show an old law still holds for quirky quantum materials

Long before researchers discovered the electron and its role in generating electrical current, they knew about electricity and were exploring its potential. One...

Quantum tool opens door to uncharted phenomena

Scientists have developed a new tool for the measurement of entanglement in many-body systems and demonstrated it in experiments. The method enables the...

Nextgen computing: Hard-to-move quasiparticles glide up pyramid edges

A new kind of 'wire' for moving excitons could help enable a new class of devices, perhaps including room temperature quantum computers.

The ‘breath’ between atoms — a new building block for quantum technology

Researchers have discovered they can detect atomic 'breathing,' or the mechanical vibration between two layers of atoms, by observing the type of light...

Quantum computers are better at guessing, new study demonstrates

Researchers have demonstrated a quantum speedup over the most efficient classical computer algorithm possible for what is believed to be the first time....

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